
Setting of programs during the tournament " The Unofficial World Championships Of Computer Programs In International Draughts
Rapid 2019 ".

Russia Aurora Borealis Professional - Alexander Svirin - Russia
Tournament Mode - On
Use book moves - Off
Hash - 1024
ED - 10000
Engine threads count - 1
Replace - On
Learn - 512 48%
Self-learning - On
Use learning base - On
The program uses from not full 8 figure base of endings
Netherlands Cerberus - Leo Nagels - Netherlands
Threads - 1
Ponder - On
The program does not use base of endings
Netherlands Damage - Bert Tuyt - Netherlands
Threads - 1
Hash table - 512M
DB cache size - 8G
DB max.piece - 6
Endgame database - On
The program uses from full 6 figure base of endings
Netherlands Dragon - Michel Grimminck - Netherlands
Max hashtable size - 8192 mb
Big evaluation table - 1243 mb
Opening book - Tournament book
Number of cores - 4
Permanent brain - On
Avoid draws - Not
The program uses from full 6 figure base of endings
France Dream - Said Koudache - France
Threads - 1
Utiliser bibliothĨque d'ouvertures - On
Utiliser bibliothĨque de finales - On
Taille en Ko, pour les Hash Tables - 4000
The program does not use base of endings
Belarus Edeon Sport - Alexey Odnoklubov, Vasily Naumik, Victor Naumik - Belarus
Threads - 1
Use debuts book - On
The program uses from full 7 figure base of endings
Netherlands Flits - Adri Vermeulen - Netherlands
Threads - 1
Transpositietabel(Mb) - 1750
Ponder - On
The program does not use base of endings
United States of America Kingsrow - Edgar Gilbert - United States of America
Hashtable size (mb) - 512
Cache size (mb) - 14000
Max.pieces - 8
Search threads - 8
Opening book - Best moves
Ponder - On
The program uses from full 8 figure base of endings
Netherlands Maximus - Jan-Jaap van Horssen - Netherlands
Opening book - Best moves
Transposition Table - 32 M positions (25 bits)
Threads - 4
Ponder threads - 4
Pondering - On
The program uses from full 6 figure base of endings
Netherlands Moby Dam (May 17 2019) - Harm Jetten - Netherlands
Threads - 1
Created tt with 33554432 entries (2^25)
Wiped tt with 33554432 entries
Size - 512MiB
Book positions - 8507
All 2-piece db files present
All 3-piece db files present
All 4-piece db files present
All 5-piece db files present
All 6-piece db files present
The program uses from full 6 figure base of endings
Russia Plus 500 - Serge Startsev - Russia
Threads - 1
The openings book - On
Self-learning - On
Endgames DB - On
The program uses from full 6 figure base of endings
France Scan - Fabien Letouzey - France
Hub - On
Variant - Normal
Book - On
Book ply - 4
Book-margin - 4
Ponder - On
Threads - 8
TT-size - 26
BB-size - 6
The program uses from full 6 figure base of endings
Netherlands Sjende Blyn (2019aug31) - Jelle Wiersma - Netherlands
Cores - 4
Opening book - On
Strength - Maximum
Ponder - On
The program uses from full 6 figure base of endings
Netherlands Tornado - Frank Mesander - Netherlands
Threads - 1
Ponder - On
Hash Table Geheugen - 2G
The program uses from full 6 figure base of endings
Netherlands Truus voor Windows - Stef Keetman - Netherlands
Threads - 1
Ponder - On
Partijen database ruimte (MB) - 64
6 Stukken Database (anders 5) - On
Stellingen ruimte (16K) - 10000
The program uses from full 6 figure base of endings