
In Poland, in the town of Kórnik held from 02.09.2019 to 11.09.2019, will be held tournament " The Unofficial World Championships Of Computer Programs In International Draughts Rapid 2019 ". The tournament will be played on the system " round - robin " consisting
of thirty rounds, about the place in the tournament to decide the score Sonneborn - Berger, time for a game 5 minutes + 15 second
for 65 moves - all programs are set to 5 minutes for 65 moves, an additional 15 seconds was added to make movements on the DGT
board. During the tournament I will use the program DraughtsArbiter Pro. The tournament is played on two identical computers with
the following hardware parameters:

In tournament will be attended by the following programs.

A huge and heartfelt thank you to Hendrik Veenstra and Jan-Jaap van Horssen.
Special thanks
Bartosz Socha, Marcel Kosters, Jacek Pawlicki, Adam Curyło.
Special thanks for programmers
Edgar Gilbert, Jelle Wiersma, Bert Tuyt, Michel Grimminck, Vasily Naumik, Alexey Odnoklubov, Victor Naumik, Harm Jetten, Gerard Taille, Frank Mesander, Adri Vermeulen, Fabien Letouzey, Stef Keetman, Jan-Jaap van Horssen, Klaas Bor, Alexander Svirin, Leo Nagels, Serge Startsev, Said Koudache, Alexander Presman, Rein Halbersma, and other programmers I have not mentioned.